
  • In the world today, there is lot of misconception about the religion Islam. Islam is full of Spirituality. It is the religion of love, peace that spread through the Prophet Muhammed Sal‘Allahu Alaihi wa‘sallam, through Ahle-bait, Sahabas, Taaba‘is & Wali-Allahs.
  • This site aims to spread the same message of Islam, which is peace, brotherhood, kindness & love towards all the humanity.
  • Teachings of Quran, Hadees are spread through the speeches/Bayans of renowned Alim-e-Deen Hazrath Alhaj Sufi Abdul Khader Shah Wajid Hussaini Abulula‘yee, who is the prime reason for the existence of this site.

Please find time to go through the Audio/Video Bayans/Speeches, Hamd-o-Naat in the Speeches section & Teachings in the Teachings section on various topics of Islam.

We pray, may Almighty put us always on the Right Path for the sake of His Beloveds & keep us in the company of His Guided ones.